Temperament And Money Management.

Our temperament is an aggregation of all the traits we inherited from our parents and much more from our grandparents as a result of the genotypical genes that were transferred to us during our conception. It rarely changes, and of course follows us all through life. Although some factors may attempt to tweak or modify how we are naturally designed to function in life consequent upon the influence of these temperaments on us, but they really do not completely change us from behaving the way we are wired to. Consequently, we will be seen yielding unconsciously to the influence and control of these inherited temperaments on us. 

There is no other force that is as powerful and influential as the temperament we are born with. And among all the other external factors that tends to navigate us away from being who we are naturally designed to be, our inherited temperaments has the strongest and most profound influence on us. Therefore at some point in our lives when everything is in their natural state, we naturally and perhaps unconsciously revert back to the natural way we are meant to behave and function in life. 

It is basically for this reason that an introvert may momentarily exhibit some extroverted behavior or attitude because of the influence of some societal and environmental factors or as a result of his association with extroverts. But the moment he is alone or that force of influence is lifted, he immediately revert back to his introverted state. A typical example of this can be found among actors. A born introvert actor may act as if he were a typical extrovert on stage, but more often than not immediately crawls back into his shell when he is off the stage. This clearly validates the fact that our temperament has got the most profound and strongest influence on us more than any other thing. 

From how we eat, cook, clean, shop, dress, drive, read, express our love to others and how we expect them to loves us, relate with people, with our spouse and kids, to our feelings and emotions, sexual responses and behaviors, and even to how we manage money and handle finances all can be traced to the influence of our temperament on us. In fact, by observing the way anyone goes about these activities, it is absolutely possible to figure out the particular temperament they are born with. But for the purpose of this post, we want to focus on the influence of our inherited temperament on money management. That is, how our temperament influences the way we manage money. Follow me as I'm about to reveal to you why your money and finance management lifestyle is the way it is.

Let's get into it without wasting anymore time.

There are four basic temperament types and twelve blends of temperament. In the twelve blends, one is primary or predominant which has got a more powerful and overwhelming influence on us. The other is secondary, which is somewhat hidden but as well impactful and influential. As it concerns money and finance management, we will be dwelling more on the primary or predominant temperament since its influence on the attitude and behavioral pattern of different people is easily visible and far-reaching. Having said that, let's us begin to analyze the four categories of people and how their inherited temperament influences how they manage money.

When it comes to money management, there are four categories of people. And the way they manage or handle money is to a very large extent influenced by the temperament they are born with. First, let us consider those of;

**The Splurge Category**:

The money or finance management of these categories of people is usually influenced or controlled by the "Sanguine" temperament. The sanguine temperament type is described as air by the father of the temperament theory, an ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who believed in theory of humorism. Anyone under the influence of this temperament type will no doubt be as free as the air. Taking life too casually and almost everything so lightheartedly is not uncommon for him. This personality is a happy-go-lucky, fun loving, and pleasure seeking individual who more often than not indulges himself and others in fun and pleasure, and nothing else matters more to him other than always being in a happy mood. Satisfying his feelings and emotions is usually his priority. Therefore, he does not hesitate to do whatever it takes even if it means spending his last cent to achieve that. When it comes to money management, he is best described as a "Splurge". 

No one spends money very freely and extravagantly without having a budget plan as him. His natural spontaneous and impulsive attitude makes him unintendedly venture into a business or embark on a spending spree without any prior plan. Sometimes, his egocentrism, the quest to satisfy his emotions, and in order to attract attention to himself at the mall and be the center of focus usually makes him spend unnecessarily. Consequently, he more often than not spends for fun or for show-off rather than out of needs and necessities. No other temperament is more addicted to looking very good and appearing very flamboyant more than the splurge whose money habits are influenced by the sanguine temperament, even if it means spending his last cent on those material things or buying them on credit. 

He could spend his last money to buy the most expensive clothes, shoes, and wrist watch just to attract the attention of everyone to himself at a time when he is got some more important needs. He lives in the present, has got the least savings and budgeting plan, but often believes in luck. No one expresses financial optimism without having any plan and strategy in place, or readiness to hard work to achieve his financial goals more than him. If he is a weekly or monthly wage earner, he does not hesitate to start shopping from the road immediately he gets paid even before getting to his house to discuss the basic family's needs with his spouse. 

Among the four basic temperament types, no other temperament enjoys shopping more than someone under the influence of the sanguine temperament. And no man is much more inclined to going to the mall for shopping more than a typical sanguine. For his natural obsession of meeting new people, making new friends, having a lot of admirers, and attract attention to himself usually makes him enjoy branching the mall and spending freely as long as he's got the money. This personality is obviously not the best manager of money and finance because he more often than not unconsciously allows his emotions to interfere in his money management ability.

**The Brave**:

This personality is usually influenced by the choleric temperament which is described as 🔥 fire; very quick and hot, in the theory of temperament by Hippocrates. He is the most activity-prone, pragmatic, productive, and self sufficient of the four basic temperament types. No one is more risk tolerant, likes to take financial risk more than this personality. If a statistics of the most financially successful temperament is taken, I honestly believe that this personalities will edge out the other categories. Because they know where the money is and how to take it, and they've also got the ability to make the money despite any hurdle. They are workaholics, the most fearless, charismatically influential of the four temperaments who knows how to use people and everything at their disposal to achieve their ends and get what they want. 

When it comes to money and finance management, even though he is usually a big money spender who is not afraid of spending to get what he wants regardless of the cost, but he hardly goes broke unlike the splurge. For he has charted his course so well, has set up a profitable venture that yields him money or he is always ready and willing to work hard and smart to earn his money. Although he is not budget conscious as the splurge and he may also be an impulsive money spender, but he is usually more deliberate and intentional about what he wants and he does not hesitate to get it regardless of anything. His natural consciousness and affinity for productivity and hard work makes him more financially stable and less bankrupt compared to his splurge counterpart. Money Management for this personality is always a very difficult task because he likes doing big things or doing things in a big way. Therefore, he often needs more money to meet his financial needs and responsibilities. You may not be able to get the best from him if he does not have enough money or resources to spend.

**The Conservative**:

The money management ability of the conservative personalities are usually influenced by the melancholy temperament. In the temperament theory of Hippocrates, they are described as earth; meaning that they are hospitable, accommodating, and providential. This personality thrives on detailed planning, analysis, and adopting strategies that will enable him achieve his financial goals and objectives. Consequently, he is not likely to joke with budgeting, finance planning before expenditure, contingency plans, and saving money. No other temperament is more budget conscious, and addicted to planning before expending money on anything more than the conservative personality. He is usually more interested in spending on basic needs and necessities more than wants and desires especially if he's got less money. 

Saving for the future and having a enough money to take care of future needs are mainly his priority. No other temperament sticks to his budget and spends within his financial threshold more than the conservative personality. Once he makes up his mind about how much he wants to spend, it is very difficult to make him spend beyond that or deep his hands into his savings. It is basically for this reason that before a particular money he is expecting comes in, he would have already prepared his budget for everything he wants to spend on, so he can meet all his needs and fulfill all his financial responsibilities and obligations and still have money to save for the future. He is neither miserly nor a big spender, but usually very moderate in his expenditures. 

Getting value for his money and cost effectiveness is very important to him. Give him a quality product or service for a very moderate price, and you've won yourself a lifetime customer or client. But if he finds out that you swindled him, then you've lost his patronage for life. Since he is not the outgoing type, going to the  mall frequently for shopping is usually a bit burdensome for him. But if he must go, he would have taken his time to prepare a list of the things he wants to get to avoid spending beyond the amount he planned or budgeted for. Consequently, going for market survey in order to have an idea or estimate of what his total expenditures will be is not uncommon for him. And no other temperament does this better than him. This personality is a good money manager because he knows how to plan his expenses and expenditures and he rarely spends on what isn't necessary, thus affording him the leverage to save more money.

**The Frugal**:

The frugal is usually influenced by the Phlegmatic temperament which is described as water in the temperament theory. He is a reluctant money spender and majority of his actions works on the principle of inertia. He almost never act until he is pushed. And when pushed to act, he is very reluctant to stop. He is easily influenced by others and being very credulous is not uncommon for him. Being surrounded by people who frequently eulogize and appreciate him for his gentle and quiet nature, and his outward nice disposition is usually a motivation for him. And it is usually not uncommon for those people to have very considerable amount influence on his thinking and the actions he takes. 

When it comes to money and finance management, no other category knows how to manage more than the frugal category. His money management lifestyle could be interpreted by most people as stinginess and being miserly. For more often than not he tends to withhold much more than he is supposed to, so that he can feel very confident with himself about having so much in his account. He could deprive himself of basic needs and necessities as long as they are not expedient at the moment just to make sure that he has so much left in stock. He only visits the mall for shopping when he has enough money to spend to avoid feeling inferior before other shoppers, and going to the local market to manage the little he can afford is not uncommon for him. 

He is budget conscious like his conservative counterpart, and finance planning is also very much important to him. But his inability to be decisive and sticking to his resolve, but often changes his mind easily based on people's advice and opinions that panders to his sentiments consequently makes him spend outside of his budget. Unless he has another temperament that is  decisive and resolute in very considerable amount, it will be almost impossible for him not to swallow hook, line, and sinker every idea or opinions presented to him, which also affects his money habits. 

However, among the four temperaments, he seems to be the most frugal. He is a good money manager who spends very carefully and wisely, and always has a good record of account of all his expenditures. Never come to him to request for money unless the reason is strong enough and expedient, and what the money will be used for will be nothing more than being highly beneficial to him or tends to align with his sentiments. If you need a good money manager who can deliver a somewhat average result and still be able to have a enough money left in the account, then the frugal personality who is influenced by the phlegmatic temperament perfectly fits that description.

In conclusion, every human being behaves according to the influence of their inherited temperament on them. Even in our money and finance management, our temperament has a major impact on our financial behavior and money habits. And I strongly believe that to what extent we will be financially successful and stable depends to a reasonable extent on the temperament we are born with. From the this post, you can see and perhaps relate to this four categories of people when it comes to money management, and the influence of their temperament on their finance management ability. And I believe that by now, you should have known the category you fall into. The purpose of this post is not to condemn or criticize anyone's attitude to money because it is inherent. But it is to enable you discover yourself and the temperament category you belong through your money and finance lifestyle.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave your comment, question, and suggestion on this topic. Thank you.
