6 Bad Money Habits That Gets Sanguines Financially Bankrupt.

Of all the major influences on humans, temperament has got the strongest and most profound influence ever on man. Our temperament is our inherited traits. These are basic traits that we inherited from our parents, and more from our grandparents, as a result of the genes and chromosomes that were naturally transferred to us during our conception. 

It seldom changes, even though our educational background and attainment, parental upbringing, environmental and societal influences, and any other type of influence may attempt to modify it a bit, but they really do not completely change us from who we are, and the way we are naturally designed to function in life. 

Consequently, we will frequently be seen yielding unconsciously to the influence of our inherited temperaments on us. It is basically for this reason that you will often see people acting and behaving differently from each other, due to the influence of their temperaments on them.

Even in terms of managing our money and finances, our temperament also plays a major role in the way we spend and handle money, and how financially successful we will become subsequently. Have you observed that while some people are free spenders and impulsive buyers, others are very calculative, deliberate and frugal spenders. 

These differences is usually as a result of the temperament we are born with. If you understand the four temperaments like I do, then you will be able to understand why people behave exactly the way they do, and why they manage and handle finances the way they do.

It's basically for this reason that in today's post, we want to consider six bad money habits that usually gets the predominant sanguine personality into being bankrupt, financially. For which he often complain of being financially broke regardless of how much he has, and more often than not relapses into insolvency. This is a series post. Thus, in my next post, we shall be considering another temperaments with respect to this topic. I want to urge you to frequently visit this blog for more updates. But in today's post, we are starting off with the sanguine personalities;

6 Major Bad Money Habits That Gets Sanguines Financially Bankrupt.
In the temperament theory of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, sanguines are described as air personalities; very free, too common, and ubiquitous. These three conveniently described the lifestyle of a predominant sanguine personality. Very easygoing, often looks too common, and everywhere, maybe at different times.

The world is enriched with these free and easygoing, highly spirited, and charismatic personalities who always displays happy- charisma all through their life. The typical sanguine personality rarely takes things to heart or too seriously. They are much more interested in others, and being with people is their major source of happiness and joy in life. Their main goal is often to publicly display their vivacious and flamboyant lifestyle, in order to attract the attention of everyone to them self. Consequently, the sanguine personality has naturally got so many weaknesses that always negatively impact his financial success and freedom in life. We shall be considering them one after the other.

1. Financial Indiscipline:

Lack of self-discipline is unarguably one of the major weaknesses of a predominant sanguine personality. A sanguine is a very lively and enjoying person who loves to be as free as air. Consequently, his natural overindulgent lifestyle usually makes him reticent of denying himself immediate pleasure and enjoyment. There's literally no other temperament that knows how to enjoy himself and relish the moment more than a predominant sanguine, even if it will cost him his last penny. 

Lack of self-control and self-discipline has undoubtedly deprived so many sanguines from attaining the height of success they should attained in life. A typical sanguine may resolve to read his book at a certain time, but lack of self-discipline and control could make him jettison and rescind his decision when it is time because he needs to go out there to hangout for fun moment with his friends and admirers. Not many sanguine personalities actually stick with their decisions, they often easily change it the moment they remember their next fun moment, because they naturally lack the minimum amount of self-discipline to stick to their decisions.

Consequently, the typical sanguine's lack of self-discipline and control unfortunately finds its way in his finance management ability. For instance, he could resolve to save or spend just a certain amount of money on his basic needs, but trust that he will rarely stick to that to the end, as long as he sees something that tickles his fancy even though he doesn't necessarily need. A sanguine is naturally attracted to beauty and anything that looks beautiful to eye easily excites him that he could spend his penny for it. It's mainly for this reason that he more often than not spends money on so many things that he does not need, and may never make use of.

As a result of this, sticking to his budget, if peradventure he has prepared one, and saving money, obviously becomes a very difficult thing for him, and consequently frequently gets him financially bankrupt. Lack of financial discipline is undoubtedly one of the bad money habits that is often responsible for getting a typical sanguine personality into a state of bankruptcy. The book "Going from undiscipline to self-mastery" will help you to overcome indiscipline as a sanguine. 

2. Financial Extravagancy:

No one is more financially reckless and wasteful than a typical sanguine person. For his desire to overindulge himself to satisfy his exuberance makes him spend money on far less important things which rarely adds any value to his life. His quest to look very flamboyant to the admiration of his friends, and everyone around could make him spend so much money in buying expensive shoes, clothes and wristwatch, even though he already has all of those in  surplus numbers, and at a time he is got other more pressing needs and financial responsibilities to meet in his home. For this reason, the sanguine personalty often waste so much money on non-essentials, leaving behind the essential ones which he must always come back to give attention to. 

3. Lack Of Budgeting And Planning:

Apart from his predominant choleric counterpart who comes close, no other temperament usually spends money, or buys something on impulse more than a predominant sanguine. Since he is a very spontaneous person, that's often attracted to flashy things, plus his desire to satisfy his emotions. It is not uncommon for him to get paid at the end of the month, and he quickly starts shopping from the road even before getting to his house to discuss the basic family needs with his spouse, and without any form of budget, financial plan, and expenditure. Thus, before he could realize it, he has already exhausted is pay for the month without meeting the most important needs in his life and family, and subsequently has already become broke before his next pay day arrives. For this reason, he keeps running in financial debt circle without any hope of being free.

4. Unwillingness To Save:

Since a typical sanguine deliberately, or perhaps inadvertently fails to prepare his budget and plan his expenditures, it's not uncustomary for spend all his money in one go as it comes, without any intention to save. Perhaps, in his thinking, the next pay will always come, or he will save when the next pay comes. Which he often never adheres to, and always fails to save since he lacks the self-discipline to save money, or stick to his decision. So many sanguine easily goes bankrupt since they've got nothing to fall back to, because they lack the savings culture. They live their lives for the moment, and likes enjoying it to the fullest in the immediate as soon as they get the opportunity. Consequently, when the rainy days come, or when it becomes very harsh and tough economically, it puts them in a state financial indebtedness and insolvency.

5. Unnecessary Competition:

Apart from the phlegmatic personality who comes close, no one often likes to be like the other person or be better than them in terms of possessing material things, and have almost everything they have more than a predominant sanguine personality. It is basically for this reason that he could spend so much money just buy whatever his friends or neighbor has, even when he's got less or no need for it. But just for the reason that he wants to satisfy his ego, and be viewed by everyone to be capable financially, and meeting up, in order to get the attention and accolades of everyone. The quest and desire of a typical sanguine to be like other, or perhaps be better than others, brings him into very unnecessary competition that often makes him become financially extravagant, and consequently gets into a state of bankruptcy.

6. Buying For Self And Instant Gratification:

A predominant sanguine personality more often than not buys for show-offs in order to massage his ego, attract attention to himself, and finally get the compliment and praises of people. When he gets to the shopping mall, it's not uncommon for him greet everyone he meets there, and also very observant of who might be looking at him, so he can display his flamboyant and vivacious lifestyle. 

He practically waits to see what others are buying in the mall, so he have better idea of the things to buy that will surpass what they've bought. When making payment or trying to get his goods off the mall, he usually look around to see if anyone is noticing him, so he can be more confident of himself in displaying his flamboyance. Sometimes, it's not really that he's got so much money to spend, or passionately in need of those things at the moment, but because of instant and self-gratification, and getting everyone to notice him, is basically his main reason. 

A predominant sanguine could volunteer to pay for everyone's bill during some fun hangouts with his friends and admirers, at a time he is got other more pressing and important financial needs to meet in his home, all in a bit to get their attention and accolades, and consider him to be the life of the party. Obviously, his love to spend money, and buy things for compliments, and instant self-gratification, and not on the basis of necessity, usually gets typical sanguine personality into financial bankruptcy.

In conclusion, sanguines are naturally lively and enjoying personalities who often likes to attract attention to themselves. And it's basically for this reason that they could spend so much money to satisfy their overindulgence. Of course, since they naturally possess little to no self-discipline and control, it consequently leads them to being financially broke or indebted, since they more often than not need money to meet all of their inordinate desires.
