7 Money Making Ventures For Predominant Phlegmatic Personalities.

Every human being, irrespective of our nature, and how we were designed to function in life, we could be able to do quite a number of things. However, there are some basic things that each of us can do better than the other, and of course be so exceptional in them. This is basically as a result of our inherited temperament type strengths and qualities, which naturally propels us to function in a particular way that is different from the other person. 

And it is unarguably these strengths that make us unique and distinct personalities, and invariably become so exceptional in doing certain things that no other person can measure up to. It is basically for this reason that in today's post, we shall be considering some of the basic things that predominant phlegmatic personalities are innately and impeccably good at, that makes them distinct from the other temperament types. 

Private Tutor:

There's no other temperament that loves and enjoys the teaching profession more than phlegmatics. Typical phlegmatics who has got up to 70 or 80 percent of this temperament in them, are easily the best when it comes to the teaching career. Next to them are the predominant sanguines. For asides the phlegmatic's competency in a particular course or subject, their calm, gentle and organized disposition together with their natural patient and convivial qualities are some of the important virtues that often enables them to seamlessly pass knowledge and it also endears their pupils or student to them. 

Therefore as a predominant phlegmatic personality, private tutoring or home teaching is one of the easiest venture you can start and make money. This business idea proves to be lucrative because even though some parents do send their wards to school, but they want that extra tutorial for their wards especially when they aren't doing so well in school, or they want them to do better in certain subjects. You can stand in the gap to offer this service if you are well grounded in a particular subject or field of study. So many school owners and administrators started from being private home teachers.

You can start this business from your neighborhood. Inform every parent about your competency in preferred subjects. Print your business card, list the subjects you can efficiently handle in the card, your qualifications, phone number, contact and email address should also be listed.  Then, you can start distributing your card. Do not also forget to negotiate your price well, and also whether you want to be paid immediately after teaching, weekly or monthly, depending on the terms of your agreement with your client. As Phlegmatic, teaching is one of your natural vocational capabilities that ranks even with your temperament strengths and qualities.

Making And Selling Of Crafts:

Most phlegmatic personalities possess excellent mechanical aptitude. As a result, they become craftsmen of high repute. These personalities usually do well in crafts and craft making. Craft is a creation of physical objects or materials using your hands either after learning the craft or after conceptualizing the physical product. Production of crafts could be acquired through learning the skill, but majority of phlegmatics are naturally talented in the making of various crafts and they are adept at it. 

Weaving, bead making, cake ๐Ÿฐ making, soap  ๐Ÿงผ and detergent making (requires a bit of science), fibre and textile making, production of ceramics, glasswares, flower craft, and any other products that requires putting your imagination to work and also been skillful with your hands in creating things that are useful to humans are some of the crafts you can venture into and make money from them. As a predominant phlegmatic, your natural mechanical aptitude, practicality, good observational qualities and adeptness with your hands will enable you to effortlessly succeed in craft works and production of crafts, and you are unarguably head and shoulder above others in this field.

Phone, Watch, And Camera ๐Ÿ“ท Repair:

Not so many people have the luxury of repeatedly purchasing new phones, watch, or camera every time they go bad. This is especially if these items are of very high quality and serves them their purpose. Therefore, as a predominant phlegmatic, no other temperament naturally possess the patience, that observational and organizational qualities to learn fast on a new skill together with skillfulness with the hands to succeed in phone, watch, and camera repair more than you. 

This skill is in high demand because so many people cannot do without their favorite gadgets when there is a minor fault. Therefore, they need a technician who can help them to fix it. And been a technician in any field no doubt requires the ability to be patient in learning the practical or technical aspects of the field, the observational capability to learn fast, and efficiency in practising with the hands. These qualities are doubtlessly what you naturally possess as a typical phlegmatic, and they will definitely aid you in succeeding in this venture ahead of others.

Establishment Of Daycare Centers:

Daycare business is one business that is thriving these days because parents and guardians needs someone who is very trustworthy, good in teaching and taking care of kids. Most parents do not really have the time to keep an eye on their kids because of their job or business activities. 

Therefore, as a predominant phlegmatic, no other temperament is better qualified than you to run a daycare center. Because of your natural affinity for routines that aren't challenging, passion for teaching kids, together with your calm, gentle and patience qualities, this venture is sure one of the best that matched your natural temperament strengths. 

Starting this business will be a profitable venture for you. You can start from your home if you have a large space with convenience, or rent a place with two or more large rooms depending on number of kids you want to accommodate. But ensure you register your business with the appropriate authorities in your state of residence or country.

Graphic Design:

Graphic design is one of the most lucrative business in the world today because a lot business organizations needs relevant and relatable pictures and images to enable them effectively advertise and market their products to potential customers and clients. 

A graphic designer uses the computer, graphic design tools and softwares to produce images and pictures that are relevant to their client's business for advert and marketing purposes. And as a phlegmatic who's very adept and somewhat creative in practical skills, this business is sure one of the best you can venture into. 

Before starting your graphic design business, you need to learn the skill and also get yourself acquainted with some of the basic tools and softwares in order to become successful in the business.


Starting a business in the agricultural sector is very lucrative. One thing that is interesting about investing in an agro- business is that, it assures of high return on investment if well managed. Almost all the food that we consume comes from agriculture. Thus, agric products are in very high demand in any part of the world. 

The two main sector in the agro-business that's very common and has got high ROI, is quail bird farming or poultry, and ๐ŸŸ fish farming. Starting or investing in either of them is very profitable, because people eat chicken daily, that are bought from grocery and frozen food stores. And fish is also a good source of protein that a lot of people cannot do without. 

Therefore as a typical phlegmatic, your love for routines and dedication to your daily activity will enable you to effortlessly start and nurture this business until it grows. Taking proper care of the birds, and ensuring that the fishes lives in a type of water that they're comfortable in, on daily basis isn't a huge task for you. You will also not struggle to sell your produces because the market for this business is very large.

Gardening (Horticulture):

People are usually attracted to flowers especially when used for beautification of their homes and offices. A gardner or a horticulturist plants, maintains and grows flowers for the purpose of selling them to interested buyers. Apart from the typical melancholy personality who comes close, no other temperament naturally loves to grow things, has the patience to nurture plants until they mature, together with the ability to thoroughly stick to routines and be very efficient in their result delivery more than a predominant phlegmatic personality. Thus, as a typical phlegmatic personality, gardening is one of the money making venture you can go into because it ranks even with your natural temperament strengths.

Conclusively, any venture that requires sticking to daily routines and carrying them out religiously. Being very patient, observant and organized when learning a new skill, and the competence to be very practical and productive with the hands is the best for any predominant phlegmatic personality.

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