8 Money Making Ideas For Predominant Sanguine Personalities.

The sanguine personality is a very talented and gifted person, and the world is blessed and enriched with these air personalities. These personalities have so far benefited the world immensely with their happy-charisma, and people-oriented qualities that makes interpersonal relationships so easy and seamless. 

Regardless of their natural weaknesses and oddities, the sanguine is unarguably the go-to person when it comes to human interpersonal relationship, and he is more like a bridge builder that usually connect, link, and bring different people together. For his natural charisma, selflessness in being the first to seek others out for friendship, and congeniality makes him a very attractive person that so many people usually find it so easy and comfortable to relate with him. Notwithstanding the fact that he is  naturally egocentric, an attention seeker and flamboyant person.

However, the typical sanguine personality is very gifted and talented in diverse ways. But it is quite unfortunate that majority of  sanguine personalities especially those of 70 to 80 percent blend ratio, lacks the self-discipline, resoluteness, and determination to harness and unleash their potentials, and appropriately channel them into very meaningful and profitable ventures that will benefit them and others. It is basically for this reason that in this post, we want to consider 9 major business ideas that a  predominant sanguine personality can venture into and make money.


A typical sanguine personality is a very good talker. He can talk for a very long time without getting tired, for as long as he's got someone listening to him. None among the other basic temperaments come close to the talking energy and capacity of a sanguine. His mouth is his strength, and he can use it to get the attention of anyone and keep the person indulged in listening to him for a very long time. The sanguine is never in want of what to say at any given time, and you will often wonder how he manages to conjure up what to say at any point in time, and if he actually prepared for it.


If you need someone who can keep people engaged for long time with his natural talking ability without getting them bored, then a typical sanguine is the perfect person that qualify for, or suits that particular role. And as a typical sanguine person, rather than allow your ability to talk to become a weakness, you can turn it into strength by using it for some better and more profitable ventures like; marketing and sales, voice-over art, podcasting, and any other profitable jobs or venture that requires being able to talk for a long time.


There's clearly no way we can talk about the entertainment sector without making mention of a typical sanguine personality, because he is a natural entertainer who do not it hard to wow his audience and make the entertainment or event arena so lively and fun. He is naturally a very hilarious  and lively person who seamlessly make his creativity come alive in his ability to lift up your mood through entertainment. 

There's no other temperament that is more gifted and talented in the art of making people laugh, and creatively entertain them more than a predominant sanguine. Performing music arts, comic acting, dancing, and any other activity that requires creatively coming up with new concept that could spring up excitement and high emotional ecstasy in others are doubtlessly some of his major areas of strengths and ability in the entertainment sector. 

You can also start your own music and video production studio, video game center, comedy club, shows and event centers, where people can come in and get entertained. Everyone likes to be entertained, and this is of course the major prospects in this money making idea. If you have such a business outfit, you can enroll other young upcoming entertainers into your business and mentor them while charging them a fee.


You certainly cannot take this away from a typical sanguine personality. No other type of temperament is naturally more adept at crafting and creating some kind jokes and fairy tales that usually makes people laugh at different interludes of a ceremony or an event than the typical sanguine person. He knows how to combine his natural sense of humor, creativity, and storytelling ability to make everyone relish the occasion. 

At times, he makes use of the things he sees around him to create an interesting story line that makes the guests laugh, or emote a feeling of excitement in them. Sometimes the story might not be too interesting, but he usually uses his creativity to make it look more interesting than it really is. Thus if you need a very efficient MC for any of your occasion, you should consider going for a typical sanguine personality, because he is the perfect person for that role.

Creative Fiction Book Writing:

Apart from a melancholy who comes close, no other temperament is gifted with the art of fiction book writing more than a typical sanguine personality. His natural creative and imaginative ability usually enables him to effortlessly conceptualize thoughts and ideas that could make for a good and interesting storyline or book. But a predominant sanguine needs to be more disciplined and composed, in order to succeed in fiction book writing money making idea. If a predominant sanguine can be a little more self-discipline and lot more organized, he'll be a very successful fiction book writer and achieve a lot more in life.

Art Work Products:

The natural creativity of the predominant sanguine personality is often accentuated when it comes to arts, and production of various art works. Art is basically a type of unstructured work that usually expresses feelings, emotions, and vision. Example of these are; painting, architecture, sculptures, drawing, literature, calligraphy, photography, motion pictures, print making, music, performing, theatre, dance etc. 

But to be successful in any of these art work or activity requires being creative, expressive, and also putting your feelings and emotions into what you are trying to create, which naturally should become emotionally appealing to people. Of course, since all predominant sanguines are naturally creative and expressive type of people who often easily expresses their feelings and emotions, they will not find it difficult succeeding in art, and production of art works if they channel their energy in that direction.

Marketing And Sales:

For any predominant sanguine, the first money making idea that should easily come to mind and which you should seriously consider is sales and marketing. This venture is one of the best for you, and not just that, you will feel fulfilled and happy as you see your turnover and increased figure leads in sales. 

As a sanguine, you've got the word-of- mouth, charisma and congeniality to meet and talk to anyone and convince them to buy a product or patronize a service, which other temperaments may struggle to do. Converting your audience to paying customers and clients is not such a difficult task for you. Your core strength in this career, is your friendliness, the warm and convivial atmosphere you create with your audience. Which thus gives them the passion to listen to you.


The strategy you need to apply more in order to overwhelmingly succeed in this venture or business idea is, make friends with people and build relationship first, before you sell to them. As long as new businesses keeps springing up, existing business and brands wants to increase their clientele and customer base, and get higher Return On Investment (ROI), these career is sure not going away anytime soon. 

You could be hired by emerging, existing, and already established brands to help them attract more clients and customers and increase their ROI. You could also start your own sales and marketing firm, and have these new businesses and brands outsource their marketing jobs to you. This is one career you'll definitely find very attractive as a sanguine. The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib or The book on sales and marketing by Ashley Wilkes Webber in order to upscale your sales and marketing prowess.



Auctioneering is also a form of sales, but if you need to sell off or auction a particular product faster at a cheaper rate in order to raise 💰 money, a typical sanguine is the best person to hire to help you quickly sell or auction that product. For he usually use various strategies including entertainment to get the attention of every passersby and anyone close to him to buy the product he's auctioning. If you want to see sanguine in action, just visit your local market, public garage, or local used-car dealer park, and you will see him using his liveliness, funny and entertaining ability to auction all his products.

Graphic Design:

Graphic design is one of the most lucrative business in the world today because a lot business organizations needs relevant pictures and images to enable them effectively advertise and market their products to potential customers and clients. A graphic designer uses the computer, graphic design tools and softwares to produce images and pictures that are relevant to their client's business for advert and marketing purposes. 

And as a predominant sanguine who's very adept with your hands and creative in practical skills, this business is sure one of the best you can venture into. Before starting your graphic design business, you need to learn the skill and also get yourself acquainted with some of basic tools and softwares in order to become exceptionally successful in the business.

In conclusion, regardless of their natural temperament weaknesses and oddities,  typical sanguine personalities are no doubt among the most gifted and talented of the four temperament categories. But lack of self-discipline, poor organization and also their overindulgence, more often than not hinder them from tapping into their innate  gifts and talents, and scuttles their chances of achieving personal success in endeavors that are tied to their temperament strength and abilities. 

But if sanguines can be very intentional about looking inwards and be disciplined enough, they've got enormous amount of natural talents and abilities that can be maximized in order to achieve remarkable success in their field of work and endeavors. Any vocation or business idea that directly impacts positively on the life of others and make them feel happy and elated is basically what a predominant sanguine is good at, and he will of course get enormous amount of satisfaction and fulfilment engaging himself in them.

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