Leveraging Your Temperament Strengths For Financial Success.

 I've always maintained, that every human being is distinct and unique in four ways, with natural strengths and qualities that makes them always do things in distinct  ways, according to the influence of the temperament they're born with on them.

We all naturally have ups and downs, highs and lows, and strengths and weaknesses that we involuntarily identified with during our conception, and all these are fully embedded in our primary and secondary temperaments. 

While our highs, ups and strengths makes it very easy for us to achieve success in different fields of endeavors. In the same way our lows, downsides or weaknesses tends to impede and hinder our success in those aspects of life.

Every human being has got some basic temperament induced strengths that if unleashed and rightly used in specific areas, we could all succeed on our own in almost all aspect of life, even financially. For as long as we're willing to consistently tap into those strengths and use them to add value to our life, and others.

It's basically for this reason that in today's post, we want to look at one or two major strengths of the four basic temperaments which they could maximize and deploy in order to achieve personal finance success.

What's Personal Finance Success?

Personal finance success simply means achieving financial success and freedom through your own personal effort. It's very different from working for someone and getting paid by the end of the month. It's rather about working for yourself, using your persona, and get rewarded financially for it.

We need each other to make money, right?But it'll be very difficult to make money or get people to reward you financially or pay you for something when you're practically adding no value to their lives. 

It's for this reason that we'll be considering some of the things you can do, leveraging your basic temperament strengths to add value to people's lives and get them pay or reward you for it. 

Without much Ado, let's consider some of the natural strengths of the four different temperaments that they could leverage on for financial success.

1. Basic Natural Strengths Of Sanguines:

As a sanguine, you're a highly extroverted personality. You're very lively, expressive, charismatic, highly-spirited and people- oriented. You know how to use your very flamboyant lifestyle and storytelling ability to get the attention of anyone. 

Sometimes, those who do not like you at first, because of your lifestyle, later tends to just accept you for who you are. These qualities are obviously qualities of a good marketer and salesperson.

A lot of people are obviously lacking in these qualities. It's in the marketing and sales sector that your temperament ability and strength lies, and you could leverage on it to add value to people's lives and achieve personal finance success.

Through sales and marketing, you can be able to recommend some new products to so many people that they're not aware of, but which could be so invaluable to them, and subsequently get them to purchase those products, and you make money. You are much more efficient in word of mouth marketing than any other method. Thus, you can leverage on your charismatic and people-oriented qualities to be personally financially successful.

One secret you could adopt or use in order to achieve maximum success in marketing and sales, and get quick and high turnover is to first identify the needs of those you want to sell to, and hit that target. When you consistently do this, the sky will be your starting point in sales and marketing.

2. Basic Natural Strengths Of Cholerics:

Cholerics are highly motivational, inspiring, and self-sufficient personalities, whose unique style makes people look up to them for approval, or as celebrities, even before they become popular. 

Their self-confidence, self-sufficiency, and high assertiveness, plus that flare and glamour they usually bring into very little and ordinary things makes them appear extremely sophisticated, and people often see them from that perspective. 

In a nutshell, typical cholerics are easily influencers, who you'll naturally and, or perhaps remotely admire their courage and sense of exceptionality in all they do.

As a choleric, you've got a lot of secret admirers and people who looks up to you for approval. Therefore, if you recommend something to them, especially something they see you make use of, they often see it as the best and will for sure want to try it.

It could be your hair styles, dress code, shoes, wristwatch or a product or service you endorse, anything about your unique lifestyle will catch people's attention and make them want to buy into it. And if you eventually start a lifestyle blog, getting huge number of loyal fans and unique visitors is just a matter of months than years, since they already believed in you. 

But one secret you must adopt to succeed in using your unique persona to make 💰 money; is to be business minded, be a bit more considerate and condescending. As a predominant choleric, you are naturally inconsiderate and egotistic person, you do not care what people think or say about you. 

But if you want to make money using your unique style, you must realize that it's your fans, followers and those who admire you that you'll be making the money from. So you've got to be more condescending.

3. Basic Natural Strengths Of Typical Melancholies:

Melancholies are highly intelligent, gifted, talented, enterprising and perfectionist individuals with a natural desire or passion to add value to people's lives using their creative and innovative skills.

Because of their solution-oriented and perfectionist qualities, they often want to give people the best and a value for their money. As a melancholy, you could go into creative arts or craft making. Identifying a particular problem people are facing, and using your creativity to think out a solution and help them overcome their challenges.

As a melancholy, your natural strength lies in helping people overcome their problems and challenges using your analytical and creative writing skills. You could start a blog, or have a social media account or page where you share your tips on how people can overcome their challenges. 

When you always find a way to solve problems for people, financial rewards will ultimately be your benefit. You could also offer products by starting a manufacturing business, and perhaps arts and crafts making business. Your perfectionism and accuracy will enable you to manufacture or craft the best products that people will like, and you make money your products.

4. Basic Natural Strengths Of Typical Phlegmatics:

Phlegmatics are the most gentle, peaceful, calm and efficiently-organized of the four temperaments. These personalities have got a natural desire for people, and likes people being around them.

They're very loving, caring and congenial, rarely engaging in conflicts, confrontations and contentions with people. This traits and lifestyles makes them easily likeable. Very organized, and meticulously-patient individuals, who are very diligent, dutiful and consistent with their routines duties.

As a phlegmatic, imparting knowledge, being organized, helping people and caring for them are some of the areas that you are sincerely passionate about, and you feel happier and fulfilled when you're being appreciated for it.

You could use these strengths to organize private lessons for pupils, have an elderly people's home or create an educational blog or website, and have people pay you for teaching their wards, taking care of their elderly ones and perhaps subscribe to your blog or website.

These are specific areas you could deploy your basic natural temperament strength and qualities as a phlegmatic to achieve personal finance success.

In conclusion, every temperament type  has got some innate qualities that if they will be intentional about maximizing and properly channelled to specific areas and fields of endeavors, they will undoubtedly become financially stable and successful regardless of whether they have a paid job or not.

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to leave your comments, questions and also suggestions on this post. Thank you 😊.
