Family Finance: How Spouses Of Different Temperaments Can Effectively Manage And Plan Their Finances.

Family finance planning and management could be a bit of a difficult task, especially between spouse of opposite temperament categories. The major reason is because our basic temperaments often determines our personality traits, and we unknowingly more often yields to the influence of our primary and secondary temperament on us.

The temperament we're born with, which is basically as a result of the genes we inherited from our parents and even more from our grandparents, often controls our attitudes and behavioral pattern, including the way we manage and handle finances. It's responsible for the reason why some persons are prudent in spending, others are extremely extravagant. While some people are impulsive buyers, big spenders, others are deliberate and reluctant about buying anything.

Our temperament plays a major role in our attitude towards managing and handling  of finances. And to what extent you'll be financially successful as a low-income earner, could also easily be determined by the influence of your temperament on you.

It's basically for this reason that spouses of different temperaments in a family may find it very difficult agreeing on finance planning and management, because their individual temperaments which influences and controls their attitude towards money, may conflict with each other. 

For instance, a typical sanguine who's a very extravagant and impulsive spender, getting married to a very conservative phlegmatic or melancholy who loves to plan their expenses and have a budget for everything. Both couples will for sure have some disagreements whenever it comes to finance management. You could read: how your personality affects your finance management ability.

In today's post, we want to consider how spouses of different temperaments could be able to effectively plan and manage their finances despite their temperament differences. It's important that both of you pull your temperament strengths together, and play down on your weaknesses in order to achieve family financial success goals.

How Can Spouses Of Different Temperaments Achieve Financial Success In Their Family?

It's pretty difficult for spouses of opposite or dissimilar temperaments coming together in marriage, and understanding themselves well enough to be on the same standing when it comes to family finance management, planning and success. It takes time, and requires the willingness of both parties to be tolerant of one another's temperament weaknesses and be very much appreciative of their individual strengths.

For couples of different temperaments to achieve family finance success, first thing first. They must perfectly understand one another's temperament and its inherent weaknesses and strengths. A sanguine husband or wife must understand that their phlegmatic or melancholy spouse is a very frugal and economical personality, and will rarely spend on anything without planning or budgeting for it. 

Similarly, the typical phlegmatic or melancholy husband or wife should also realize and understand the fact that their sanguine spouse is an impulsive person who will start shopping from the road immediately he gets his pay, before coming home to discuss the family needs with them. It's for this reason that both of you must endeavor to understand your personality traits, courtesy of your primary temperament, so you'll be able to manage your differences in finance management in the family.

For cholerics, they're big spenders, who are often deliberate about whatever they want to buy. Although, they're rarely conscious of planning and budgeting like their sanguine counterpart, before going for shopping. However, they're more often deliberate about what they want, and they must get it, regardless of the amount. It's basically for this reason that when they marry a typical phlegmatic or melancholy, complains of overpricing or overspending on something is not uncommon in their marriage, which sometimes lead to some little marital conflicts in the home.

The second point is influence. Influence is one major factor that could also play a vital role in helping spouses of different temperament types to manage their temperament weaknesses, and achieve family finance success. When we often interact and relate with one another, especially persons of temperaments that's different from ours, eventhough their weaknesses may irritate us, but we're more likely to be influenced by some of their basic temperament.

A sanguine husband or wife, who married a melancholy or phlegmatic spouse, could be influenced by the latter's temperament strengths of discipline, prudence, frugality and management, since they're desirable qualities and strengths that the sanguine partner also admires. Since influence goes back and forth, the typical melancholy or phlegmatic spouse will also become more decisive and prompt in getting some basic needs of the family without dilly-dallying or being reluctant.

It's also a possibility that spouses of different temperaments could understand themselves to an extent that either of them that's deemed to be a better handler or manager of money is allowed to run the financial expenses of the family, in order to bring about financial prosperity in the home. 

I'll suggest that typical sanguine spouses should as a matter succeeding financially in their family and running the home on a low budget, allow their typical phlegmatic or melancholy spouse to be in charge of finance management and planning, because they're better managers and handlers of money. This is why companies and governments often hires those who're prudent in the management of resources and finances, in order to avoid wastage, and achieve efficiency in running the organization's daily and monthly financial activities.

Lastly, all spouses, especially those of dissimilar temperaments, should also endeavor to have joint account and a good monthly financial planner, to enable them plan their expenses every month. This will definitely help them to bond financially, plus lead to their family finance success.

Conclusion, family finance management and planning is really not easy, especially for spouses of different temperaments with markedly differences in personality traits. But first of all understanding that these differences exists as a result of their basic temperaments. Secondly, influencing one another with their innate temperament strengths. And lastly, deliberately having a joint account and also a monthly financial planner, will no doubt help them to easily navigate through and become financially successful in their family endeavors.

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